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Title: Communicative management in public administration: program of the course for higher education getters of specialty 281 "Public management and administration" of the study program "Public management and administration" of the third (educational and scientific) level
Authors: Yermolenko O.
Keywords: communicative management
public institution
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Communicative management in public administration: program of the course for higher education getters of specialty 281 "Public management and administration" of the study program "Public management and administration" of the third (educational and scientific) level: [Electronic edition] / comp. O. Yermolenko. – Kharkiv: S. Kuznets KHNUE, 2023. – 11 p. (Eng. lang.)
Abstract: The list of topics and key questions that will be considered during the study of the course, the list of competencies and learning outcomes by the course, the assessment system, the example of an exam card and assessment criteria, as well as recommended literature, are given. Recommended for getters of specialty 281 "Public management and administration" of the study program "Public management and administration" of the third (educational and scientific) level.
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