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dc.contributor.authorHontarenko I.-
dc.contributor.authorOsmachko S.-
dc.identifier.citationHontarenko I. Internet resources as a component of distance learning / I. Hontarenko, S. Osmachko // Modern research in world science. Proceedings of the 9th International scientific and practical conference. SPC “Sci-conf.com.ua”. - Lviv, Ukraine. 2022. - Р. 723-728.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThis thesis investigates the questions of the effective usage of the Internet resources in an educational process as the main part of distance learning. It becomes real to get education not only in the traditional form, but also distantly with the help of modern information computer technologies. The article highlights the problem of using different multimedia technologies in higher educational establishments as an innovative method of teaching discipline. The authors analyse the functional possibilities the use of the Internet resources in professional activity. The informative resources of the Internet, multimedia facilities of studies substantially influence on the content and methodology of teaching the discipline. An importance of portals and the possibilities of resources of the Internet as a constituent of distance learning.ru_RU
dc.subjectinternet resourcesru_RU
dc.subjectfunctional possibilitiesru_RU
dc.subjectdistance learningru_RU
dc.titleInternet resources as a component of distance learningru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (ПІФП)

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