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Title: Digital maturity and digital transformation in human resources management: Stability vs development
Authors: Nazarova G.
Rudenko V.
Keywords: balance
organizational change
strategic personnel management
electronic tools and technologies
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця
Citation: Nazarova G. Digital maturity and digital transformation in human resources management: Stability vs development / O. Nazarova, V. Rudenko // Управління розвитком. – Т. 21. – № 3. – С. 57-65.
Abstract: Digital transformation has impacted all areas of life, including human resources management. Studying digital maturity is relevant because it can help organizations adapt to change and improve human resources strategies for successful transformation. This study explored the relationship between digital maturity, transformation, and human resources management and how organizations can use digital technologies to increase maturity and opportunities and cope with obstacles. Complex analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and analogy methods were used as methodical tools to analyse literary sources, information, and communication technologies. The importance of digital maturity for human resources management practices and processes and the digital transformation process in management functions was explored. The drivers, challenges, and outcomes associated with digital transformation initiatives were identified, and the impact of digital maturity and transformation on stability was analysed. The study also examined the possible trade-offs between maintaining stability and promoting development through digital technologies. The importance of continuous learning, training, and skill development in human resources management was assessed to achieve and maintain digital maturity. A conceptual framework focused on the relationship between sustainability and development in the context of digital maturity and transformation in human resources management, providing a comprehensive understanding of these dynamics. The research can help manage digital transformation effectively, provide helpful information for academic and practical human resources management applications, and bring a new perspective to the balance between sustainability and development.
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