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Title: Intercultural (Sociolinguistic) Competence as an Indicatior of Shaping a Personality at Foreign Language Classes
Authors: Mykhailova L. Z.
Keywords: communicative competence
personal transformation
sociolinguistic knowledge
registers of communication
social variability of a language
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Wydawka: Sp. z. o. o. «Diamond trading tour»
Citation: Mykhailova L. Z. Intercultural (Sociolinguistic) Competence as an Indicatior of Shaping a Personality at Foreign Language Classes / L. Z. Mykhailova // Zbior artykulow naukowych z Konferencij Miedzynarodowei Naukowo-Praktychnej (on-line) zorganizowanej dla pracownicow naukowych uczelni, jednostek naukowo-badawczych oraz badawczych z paristw obszary bylego Zwiazka Radzieckiego oraz bylej Jugoslawii, 28.02.2020. – Warszawa : Wydawka: Sp. z. o. o. «Diamond trading tour», 2020. – C. 66–71.
Abstract: The article deals with the concept of the intercultural communicative competence as an aspect of the competence approach to knowledge acquisition and as an interdisciplinary phenomenon in modern linguistics, proposes the classification of its components, analyzes its basic elements and blocks, outlines the stages for students to acquire basic skills and habits.
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