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dc.contributor.authorAchkasova S.-
dc.contributor.authorChao Wu-
dc.contributor.authorAlfimova A.-
dc.identifier.citationAchkasova S. Determining Patterns of Interest in the Theme of State Regulation of Economic Risk in Small Enterprises Activity / S. Achkasova, Wu Chao, A. Alfimova // Управління розвитком. – Т. 20. – № 1. – С. 8-17.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractIn the course of the intensification of globalization and integration processes in the world economy, activities of small enterprises are becoming increasingly exposed to new economic risks. This accounts for the necessity to determine the level and dynamics of interest in the theme of economic risk as well as for the emerging need to improve the system of its state regulation. The purpose of the research is to model the processes of assessing the level of interest and making decisions to improve the mechanisms of state regulation of economic risk. The research methodology is based on the use of the method of Internet resources analysis, the method of forecasting, the method of exponential smoothing, the decision support system (hereinafter DSS) Decision Making Helper, etc. In determining the level of interest in the theme of economic risk and conducting an analysis of it, Google Trends web application tools were used based on search queries for the category “economic risk” in Ukrainian, Spanish, Chinese and English. Based on the obtained data, trend line models were constructed for the distribution diagrams of search queries for the concepts of “riesgo económico” and “economic risk”, which have a satisfactory value of approximation reliability and can be used for forecasting. At the same time, the trend models for analysing user interest trends in Ukraine are of low quality. With the use of the DSS Decision Making Helper, the assessment of alternative options for state regulation of economic risk in small enterprises activities was carried out. In particular, the priority of improving the taxation process as the most effective and relevant mechanism was determined. The practical significance of the research findings suggests that the developed proposals can be applied in assessing the level and dynamics of interest in the theme of economic risk as well as in making decisions on its state regulation.ru_RU
dc.publisherХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнецяru_RU
dc.subjectsmall businessru_RU
dc.subjectnew economic threatsru_RU
dc.subjectsearch queryru_RU
dc.subjectuser interestru_RU
dc.subjecteconomic risk managementru_RU
dc.titleDetermining Patterns of Interest in the Theme of State Regulation of Economic Risk in Small Enterprises Activityru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:№ 1

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