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dc.contributor.authorGavkalova N. L.-
dc.contributor.authorKolupaieva I. V.-
dc.identifier.citationGavkalova N. L. Deregulation of the Ukrainian economy: problems and reculiarities of further implementation / N. L. Gavkalova, I. Kolupaieva // Horizons International Scientific Journal Serija A -2016. – P. 389-399.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis paper explores the features of the implementation of regulatory reforms aimed to foster competitiveness of business in both national and foreign markets. This paper considers the international practice of regulatory reform implementation to determine the ways of realization of regulatory reform in Ukraine in terms of integration. The paper determines that deregulation must establish a new paradigm of relations between the government and business entities that operate on the principles of social partnership to restore the trust between business entities and government and to improve the political and economic situation in Ukraine. The article determines that the strategies and technologies of the regulatory reform in the world are different, but special attention takes “regulatory guillotine” (Jacobs, 2006), which doesn’t require raising of additional funds and helps to use more effective and efficient limited resources. The article, based on academic and business research of regulatory reform, conducts that deregulation of economy, as an effective instrument of public policy, should be carried out.en_US
dc.subjectregulatory policyen_US
dc.subjectregulatory reformen_US
dc.subjectregulatory guillotineen_US
dc.titleDeregulation of the Ukrainian economy: problems and peculiarities of further implementationen_US
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