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Showing results 628 to 647 of 27113 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Data and decision making: program of the course for students of specialty 122 "Computer sciences" of the programme study «Computer Science» of the Second (master's) study cycleRayevnyeva O. V.; Stryzhichenko K. A.; Brovko O. I.; Semkiv M. O.
2020Data and decision making: syllabus of the discipline for the students of specialties 122 «Computer Science» of the second (master's) levelRayevnyeva O. V.; Brovko O. I.
2020Data and decision making: work program of the discipline for students of the specialty 122 "Computer Sciences" of the second (master's) levelMilov O. V.
2024Data Mining Technology of Country’s Digital Development Level Assessing for Economic Development and Sustainable Growth: Multivariate Adaptive Regression SplineLyeonov S.; Bilan Y.; Koibichuk V.; Malyarets L.; Ashfaq Ahmad; Carmen Gabriela Secară
2018Data visualization and visual analytics: syllabus for students of all specialties of the second (master's) levelShlykova V. O.; Derykhovska V. I.; Шликова В. О.; Дериховська В. І.; Шлыкова В. А.; Дериховская В. И.
2020Data visualization and visual analytics. Guidelines to laboratory and independent work for Master's (second) degree students of speciality 122 "Computer Science"Derykhovska V. I.; Shlykova V. O.
2020Database replication method based on the task of (0,1)-knapsackHolubnychyi D.; Tretiak V.
2024Databases: program of the course for students of higher education specialty 121 “Software engineering” of the study program "Software engineering" of the first (bachelor) levelBredikhin V. M.
2020Databases: syllabus of the academic discipline for the Students Field of knowledge 12 "Information Technology" of the first (bachelor’s) levelFedko V. V.
2024DatabaseTechnologies: program of the course for students of higher education specialty 121 “Software engineering” of the study program "Software engineering" of the first (bachelor) levelBredikhin V.
2024Decision support systems : program of the course for students of higher education specialty 121 "Software Engineering" of the educational program "Software Engineering" of the first (bachelor's) levelKolgatin O.
2012Decision Support Systems : summary of lecturesPushkar O. I.; Zavgorodnia O.; Пушкар О. І.; Завгородня О. С.; Пушкарь А. И.; Завгородняя О. С.
2019Decline and current situation of Panasonic, a Japanese electronics companyHiguchi T.; Хігучі Т.; Хигучи Т.
2018Decline of a Japanese high-tech enterprise and the reasonHiguchi T.; Хігуті Т.; Хигути Т.
2021Decomposition of Google Trends Series for the Search of Patterns and Seasonality of Financial Risk Control InterestVnukova N.; Achkasova S.; Gorokhovatskyi O.; Pysarevska H.
2021Decomposition of Google trends series for the search of patterns and seasonality of financial risk control interestVnukova N. M.; Achkasova S. A.; Gorokhovatskyi O. V.; Pysarevska H. I.
2019Defining the objectives of enterprise strategic management depending on the level of its financial potentialChernov S. I.; Gaiduchenko S. O.; Dobryn S. V.; Kipa M. O.
2017The defining financial potentialOstapenko V. M.; Остапенко В. М.; Остапенко В. Н.
2016Defining the essence of the «Personnel management technology» conceptVlasenko T. A.; Sobolev V. G.
2023Defining the role of bank guarantees in the system of ensuring the payment of customs duties under the common transit procedureRats O. M.; Alfimova A. S.