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dc.contributor.authorIvashchenko H. A-
dc.contributor.authorMurenets I. H-
dc.identifier.citationProgram of pre-diploma practice for applicants of specialty 292 "International Economic Relations" of the educational program "International Business" of the first (bachelor's) level [Electronic resource] / comp. H. A. Ivashchenko, I. H. Murenets. – Kharkiv: Simon Kuznets KhNEU, 2023. - 32 p.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe principles, types, terms and place of practice are given. The process of organizing the practice, the goals and objectives of the practice are disclosed. The requirements for the practice report, forms and methods of control, as well as the system for evaluating the knowledge of the applicants are submitted. Recommended for employers (stakeholders), teachers and students of higher education in the field of knowledge 29 "International Relations" specialty 292 "International Economic Relations" of the "International Business" educational program.ru_RU
dc.subjectpre-diploma practiceru_RU
dc.subjectlabor safetyru_RU
dc.subjectforeign companyru_RU
dc.titleProgram of pre-diploma practice for applicants of specialty 292 "International Economic Relations" of the educational program "International Business" of the first (bachelor's) levelru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Методичні матеріали (МЕВ)

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