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dc.contributor.authorYevseiev S. P.-
dc.contributor.authorKorol O. G.-
dc.contributor.authorHavrylova A. A.-
dc.identifier.citationYevseiev S. Development of authentication codes of messages on the basis of UMAC with crypto-code McEliece’s scheme / S. Yevseiev, O. Korol, A. Havrylova, // International Journal of 3d Printing Technologies and Digital Industry. – 2019. - № 3:2. – С. 153–170.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe paper discusses the algorithm for generating UMAC message authentication codes using a McEliece’s crypto-code scheme based on the use of universal hashing functions. A reduced UMAC model (mini-UMAC) and a method for statistical analysis of the collision characteristics of the generated message authentication codes are proposed. Using the reduced UMAC model, collisional characteristics of authentication codes are investigated, it is shown that the use of cryptographic transformation (using the AES algorithm) at the final stage of UMAC leads to a violation of the universal hashing characteristics.ru_RU
dc.subjectmini-UMAC with a McEliece’s crypto-code schemeru_RU
dc.subjectuniversal functionru_RU
dc.subjectauthenticity codesru_RU
dc.subjectAES algorithmru_RU
dc.titleDevelopment of authentication codes of messages on the basis of UMAC with crypto-code McEliece’s schemeru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті (КІТ)

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