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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Algorithm of information security risk assessment based on fuzzymultiple approachYevseiev S. P.; Shmatko O. V.; Romashchenko N. V.
2019Developing a model of efficiency of investment in the security of banking information in ABSYevseev S.; Çetinkaya K.
2022Security of information and communication systems: working program of the educational discipline for students of specialty 125 "Cybersecurity" of the educational program "Cybersecurity" of the first (bachelor's) levelDolgova N. G.
2024Program and data security: program of the course for students of specialty 121 “Software engineering” of educational programme “Software Engineering” of the first (bachelor) levelSemenov S. H.; Starkova O. V.
2020Development of methodological foundations for designing a classifier of threats to cyberphysical systemsShmatko O. V.; Balakireva S.; Vlasov A.; Zagorodna N.; Korol O. G.; Milov O. V.; Petrov O.; Pohasii S.; Rzayev Kh. N.; Khvostenko V.
2021Real-time Cybersecurity Risk AssessmentKorchenko O.; Kazmirchuk S.; Panivko-Babenko T.; Milevskyi S.; Aleksiyev V.
2021Management of information security: working program of the discipline for students specialty in 125 “Cybersecurity” educational program “Cybersecurity” first (bachelor's) levelYevseiev S. P.; Goloskokova A. O.
2021Information security of the state: working program of the discipline for students specialty in 125 “Cybersecurity” educational program “Cybersecurity” first (bachelor's) levelMilevskyi S. V.
2020New method for assessing the risk of automated information systems information security based on fuzzy-multiple approachShmatko O. V.; Romaschenko N.