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Showing results 1467 to 1486 of 26332 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Identifying changes in insurance companies’ competitiveness on the travel services marketVnukova N. M.; Opeshko N. S.; Mamedova E.
2020Identifying changes in insurance companies’ competitiveness on the travel services marketVnukova N. M.; Opeshko N. S.; Mamedova E.
2023Identifying patterns of interest in the topic of managing equity capital of the enterpriseAchkasova S.; Platukhin O.
2023Identifying patterns of interest in the topic of managing equity capital of the enterpriseAchkasova S.; Platukhin O.
2018Identifying the priority methodology for reinsurer default risk assessmentPukała R.; Vnukova N. M.; Achkasova S. A.
2010Image invariant recogniton methods in the space of projectionsGorokhovatskyi O. V.; Гороховатський О. В.; Гороховатский А. В.
2023Image Pair Comparison for Near-duplicates DetectionGorokhovatskyi O.; Peredrii O.
2024Impact of digitalization of the economy on transformation of the labor market: opportunities and threatsNazarova G.; Honcharova S.; Achkasova О.; Nazarov N.; Semenchenko А.; Khomenko P.
2019Impact of expectations on grain futures price formationShyian D. V.; Sakhno I.; Kramarenko K.
2024Impact of global factors on entrepreneurial structures: navigating strategic adaptation and transformation amidst uncertaintyZaslavska K.; Zaslavska Y.
2015The Impact of Research and Teaching Staff Professional Development on the Innovative Learning Technologies Implementation.Borova T. A.; Boroday G.
2023Impact of the war on the level of income and employment of the population of UkraineSotnikova Yu.
2016The impact of the world economic crisis on the economic development of UkrainePonomarenko V. S.; Пономаренко В. С.
2018Implemantation of world experience in credit programs of development of logistics infrastructure, logistics systems and technologiesKolodizieva T. O.; Kotsiuba O. V.; Колодізєва Т. О.; Коцюба О. В.; Колодизева Т. А.; Коцюба Е. В.
2020Implementation of regulatory acts on the reform of the coal industry of Ukraine in the context of the use of environmental technologiesLitvinova I. M.
2020Implementation of a system for assessing the risks of innovation in strategic planning of enterprise developmentVereshchahina H.; Pliekhanova T. Ye.
2023Implementation of distance learning and couching system as factors of employees’ motivation at an enterpriseMazorenko O.; Polezhaieva O.; Kozhevnikova K.
2023Implementation of distance learning and couching system as factors of employees' motivation at an enterpriseMazorenko O.; Polezhaieva O.; Kozhevnikova K.