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Showing results 1318 to 1337 of 27113 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Gamification as a motivator of foreign language learningДіденко Ж. І.
2017Gamification case studies as a new and effective technique in educational managementBorova T. A.; Butkovska N. O.
2024Gamification for staff motivation: Impact on work efficiency and corporate culture at the international levelGetman A. P.; Yaroshenko O. M.; Demenko O. І.; Lutsenko O. Yе.; Prokopiev R.Ye.
2016GAP-and-IMECA-based approach to assessment of complex I&C systems cyber securityKovalenko А. А.; Rudenko O. G.; Коваленко А. А.; Руденко О. Г.
2016GAP-and-IMECA-based approach to assessment of complex I&C systems cyber securityKovalenko А. А.; Rudenko O. G.; Коваленко А. А.; Руденко О. Г.
2023GDP and education development: a mathematical modelLebedeva I.; Berzukh S.
2022Gender and paradygmatic lexical innovations specificity in English media discourseVed T. M.; Lyutvieva Ya. P.
2017GENDER INEQUALITIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL SPACELysytsya N. M.; Nagaivska D. Y.; Лисиця Н. М.; Нагаївська Д. Ю.; Лисица Н. М.; Нагаивская Д. Ю.
2017Gender inequalities in the educational spaceLysytsya N.; Nagaivska D.
2020Gender specifics of emotional intelligence as a resource for successful HR- managementLysytsia N. M.; Byelikova Y. V.; Martynenko M. V.
2020Gender specifics of emotional intelligence as a resource for successful HR- managementLysytsia N.; Byelikova Y.; Martynenko M.
2020Gender specifics of emotional intelligence as a resource for successful HR- managementLysytsia N. M.; Byelikova Y. V.; Martynenko M. V.
2020Gender Specifics of Emotional Intelligence as a Resource for Successful Personnel ManagementLysytsia N. M.; Byelikova Y. V.; Martynenko M. V.
2023General trends in development of global it markeтShabelnyk Т.; Liutak О.
2022Generalization of scientific views on the interpretation of the essence and content of the concept “organization”Gruzina I. A.; Pererva I. M.
2022Generalization of the scientific approaches to the defining of socio-economic essence and structure of labor marketCherkashyna T. S.
2019Generalization of the theoretical approaches to the risk assessment of innovative activities in dependance on the stage of the life cycle of the innovation project.Pliekhanova T. Ye.
2020Generalization of uncertainty conditions for modeling and decision making in economyMartynova O. V.
2015The generalized approach to multidimensional scalingMalyaretz L. M.; Dorokhov O. V.; Ponomarenko V. S.; Малярец Л. М.; Дорохов А. В.; Пономаренко В. С.; Малярець Л. М.; Дорохов О. В.
1998Generation of low frequency whistlers by infrasonic waves in the ionospheric e-region during disturbances of a various natureGokov A. M.; Гоков А. М.; Гоков О. М.