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Showing results 265 to 284 of 26906 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Background for revision the Ukrainian social and economic modelDoronina M. S.; Chepel I. V.
2019Bank lending to small and medium-sized enterprises: the experience of Ukraine and PolandVovk V. Y.; Zhezherun Yu. V.; Kostohryz V. G.
2015Bank's financial management technologies forming at strategic and operational levelsChmutova I. M.
2013Banking of Croatia in the Kingdom of YugoslaviaBenić-Penava M.; Беніч-Пенава M.; Бенич-Пенава M.
2016Banking system variables as indicators of economy state: diagnosis and forecastingChernova N. L.; Polyakova O. Y.; Чернова Н. Л.; Полякова О. Ю.
2024Basics of Scientific and Analytical Research. Guidelines to writing a term paper for Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 073 "Management", educational program "Logistics"Martynenko M.; Lytovchenko І.
2024Basics of algorithm: program of the course for students of higher education specialty 121 “Software engineering” of the study program "Software engineering" of the first (bachelor) levelFrolov О. V.
2024Basics of data analysis: program of the course for students of specialty 122 "Computer sciences" of the programme study «Computer Science» of the Second (master's) study cycleRayevnyeva O. V.; Brovko O. I.; Stryzhichenko K. A.; Semkiv M. O.
2023Basics of entrepreneurship : the working program of the educational discipline for all students of higher education of the first (bahelor) levelSalun M. M.
2023Basics of entrepreneurship: program of the course for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor’s) levelKanova O.; Mazorenko O.; Pererva I.
2022Basics of entrepreneurship: syllabus of the academic discipline for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor) levelKanova O. A.; Mazorenko O. V.; Pererva I. M.
2023Basics of international economy and management: the program of the course for students of higher education, specialty 073 "Management" of the educational program "Business administration" of the first (bachelor) levelKot O. V.; Kurtsev O. Y.
2023Basics of international economy and management: the program of the course for students of higher education, specialty 073 "Management" of the study programme "Logistics" of the first (bachelor) levelKot O. V.; Kurtsev O. Y.
2024Basics of IT business: program of the course for students of higher education specialty 121 "Software Engineering" of the study program "Software Engineering" of the first (bachelor) levelChyrva Yu.
2024Basics of Methodology and Organisation of Scientific Research : Programme of the course for higher education students of speciality 126 "Information Systems and Technologies" of the study programme "Information Systems and Technologies" of the second (master's) levelKolgatin O. H.
2021Basics of programming: working program of the discipline for students specialty in 125 “Cybersecurity” educational program “Cybersecurity” first (bachelor's) levelYevseiev S. P.; Kovalenko S. M.
2023Basics of Scientific and Analytical Research: program of the course for students of specialty 073 "Management" of the study program "Logistics" of the first (bachelor's) levelMartynenko M. V.
2023Basics of self-management and leadership: the work program of the academic discipline for students of all specialties of the third (educational and scientific) levelNazarova G. V.; Luhova V. M.
2013Basics of the Information Economy : textbookLepeyko T. I.; Mazorenko O. V.; Лепейко Т. І.; Лепейко Т. И.; Мазоренко О. В.
2019Basis of scientific analytical researches : syllabus of the academic discipline for Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 073 “Management”Myronova O. M.