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Showing results 1 to 20 of 51  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Applied aspects of regional unevenness analysisProkopovych S. V.; Chernova N. L.; Прокопович С. В.; Чернова Н. Л.
2021Ecological changes during crisis periodKyzym M.; Gavkalova N. L.; Lola Y. Y.; Pro N.; Prokopovych S. V.; Jain P.
2021Ecological changes during crisis periodKyzym M.; Gavkalova N. L.; Lola Y. Y.; Prokopovych S. V.; Jain P.
2019Econometrics : practicum for Bachelor's (first) degree students of all specialitiesGuryanova L. S.; Prokopovych S. V.; Milevskiy S. V.; Гур'янова Л. С.; Прокопович С. В.; Мілевський С. В.; Гурьянова Л. С.; Прокопович С. В.; Милевский С. В.
2023Econometrics: program of the course for higher education students of specialty 073 "Management" of the study program "Business Administration" of the first (bachelor's) levelGuryanova L. S.; Prokopovych S. V.
2023Econometrics: program of the course for higher education students of specialty 073 "Management" of the study program "Logistics" of the first (bachelor's) levelGuryanova L. S.; Prokopovych S. V.
2018Estimation of structural-topological characteristics in information security systemChagovets L. O.; Prokopovych S. V.; Chagovets V. V.; Чаговець Л. О.; Прокопович С. В.; Чаговець В. В.; Чаговец Л. А.; Чаговец В. В.
2016Guidelines to laboratory sessions on the academic discipline "Mathematical Modelling in Economics and Management: Econometrics" for full-time students of training direction 6.030601 "Management"Guryanova L. S.; Prokopovych S. V.; Sergienko O. A.; Гур'янова Л. С.; Прокопович С. В.; Сергієнко О. А.; Гурьянова Л. С.; Сергиенко Е. А.
2019Influence of the Country’s Information Level on Its Economic DevelopmentGavkalova N. L.; Lola Y. Y.; Prokopovych S. V.; Mykhailenko D.
2023Methodology of the Countries’ Economic Development Data AnalysisDonets V. V.; Strilets V. Y.; Ugryumov M. L.; Shevchenko D. O.; Prokopovych S. V.; Chagovets L. O.
2020Neural Network Modeling of E-Government Development and the Socio-Economic EnvironmentGavkalova N. L.; Lola Y. Y.; Prokopovych S. V.; Sybirtsev V.; Diachek V.
2016Regional unevenness of economic development in Ukraine and the EU: models of analysisProkopovych S. V.; Chernova N. L.; Прокопович С. В.; Чернова Н. Л.
2016The regional unevenness of economic development in Ukraine and the eu: models of analysisProkopovych S. V.; Chernova N. L.; Прокопович С. В.; Чернова Н. Л.
2016Regional unevenness of economic development in ukraine and the eu: models of analysisProkopovych S. V.; Chernova N. L.; Прокопович С. В.; Чернова Н. Л.
2020Socio-political development of countries in information society. Countries of the EUGavkalova N. L.; Lola Y. Y.; Prokopovych S. V.; Zilinska A.
2016Syllabus of the academic discipline "Mathematical Modelling in Economics and Management: Econometrics" for students of training direction 6.030601 "Management" of all forms of studyKlebanova T. S.; Guryanova L. S.; Sergienko O. A.; Prokopovych S. V.; Milevskiy S. V.; Клебанова Т. С.; Гур'янова Л. С.; Сергієнко О. А.; Прокопович С. В.; Мілевський С. В.; Клебанова Т. С.; Гурьянова Л. С.; Сергиенко Е. А.; Прокопович С. В.; Милевский С. В.
2022The Socioeconomic and Political Level of Development of Countries in View of Digitalization of Public AdministrationGuryanova L. S.; Gavkalova N. L.; Lola Y. Y.; Prokopovych S. V.; Mykhailenko D. H.
2022The Socioeconomic and Political Level of Development of Countries in View of Digitalization of Public AdministrationGuryanova L. S.; Gavkalova N. L.; Lola Y. Y.; Prokopovych S. V.; Mykhailenko D. H.
2019Ukraine bond market: yield curve analysisChernova N. L.; Prokopovych S. V.
2016Глосарій термінів з навчальної дисципліни "Фінансова математика" для студентів напряму підготовки 6.030502 "Економічна кібернетика" денної форми навчанняПанасенко О. В.; Прокопович С. В.; Panasenko O. V.; Prokopovych S. V.