Browsing by Author Prokopishyna O. V.

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The accountability of innovation managementProkopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2021Accounting and analytical support for corporate strateges in international businessProkopishyna O. V.
2021Accounting and analytical support for voluntary statements of international startup businessProkopishyna O. V.
2019Accounting and reporting: guidelines for independent training for Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations"Prokopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2019Accounting and Reporting: guidelines to practical tasks for Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 292 "International Economic Relations"Prokopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2017Accounting base for youth volunteer organizations in Ukraine and abroadProkopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.; Прокопишина А. В.; Brusnitsyna D. E.; Брусніцина Д. Е.; Брусницина Д.
2018Accounting for Foreign Transactions : syllabus for Bachelor's (first) degree students of speciality 292 "Foreign Economic Relations"Prokopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2019Cognitive analytical tools for cost management of innovation activityLabunska S. V.; Karaszewski R.; Prokopishyna O. V.; Iermachenko I. V.; Лабунська С. В.; Карашевскій Р.; Прокопішина О. В.; Єрмаченко Є. В.; Лабунская С. В.; Карашевский Р.; Прокопишина Е. В.; Ермаченко Е. В.
2020Cognitive instruments of public management accountabilityfor development of national innovation systemLabunska S. V.; Gavkalova N. L.; Pylypenko A. A.; Prokopishyna O. V.
2018Cognitive Modeling of Startup Business Life CycleLabunska S. V.; Prokopishyna O. V.; Iermachenko I. V.; Лабунська С. В.; Прокопішина О. В.; Єрмаченко Є. В.; Лабунская С. В.; Ермаченко Е. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2018Cognitive modeling of the startup life cycleLabunska S. V.; Prokopishyna O. V.; Iermachenko Ie. V.; Лабунська С. В.; Прокопішина О. В.; Єрмаченко Є. В.; Лабунская С. В.; Ермаченко Е. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2018Comparative characteristic of Balance Sheet presentation according to the IFRS and German GAAPProkopishyna O. V.; Knyazeva А. О.; Nereta D. А.; Прокопішина О. В.; Князева А. О.; Нерета Д. А.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2016Cost accounting in organization of youth kayaking tour in Kharkiv regionProkopishyna O. V.; Kovtunenko S. R.; Прокопішина О. В.; Ковтуненко С. Р.; Прокопишина Е. В.; Ковтуненко С. Р.
2017The development of accounting procedures for foreign business transactions in free economic zonesProkopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2018Eco-Friendly Behavior of Local Population, Tourists and Companies as a Factor of Sustainable Tourism DevelopmentSushchenko O. A.; Kozubova N. V.; Prokopishyna O. V.; Сущенко О. А.; Козубова Н. В.; Прокопішина О. В.; Сущенко Е. А.; Козубова Н. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2017Evolutary analysis of financial results of agriculture enterprises for defining state budget policyProkopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.; Kopteva O. V.; Коптєва О. В.; Коптева О. В.
2014Guidelines for independent training in academic discipline "Management Accounting" for full time students of speciality 8.18010016 "Business Administration"Prokopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2012Guidelines for independent training in educational discipline "Accounting and auditing" for students of branch of knowledge "Management", specialization "Business Administration" for full time studyProkopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.; Прокопишина Е. В.
2014Guidelines for independent training in the academic discipline "Management Accounting" for full-time students of speciality 8.18010016 "Business Administration"Прокопишина Е. В.; Прокопішина О. В.; Prokopishyna O. V.
2012Guidelines for independent training in the educational discipline "Accounting and auditing" for students of training sphere 6.030601 "Management" specialization "Business Administration" for full time studyProkopishyna O. V.; Прокопішина О. В.