Browsing by Author Lysytsia N. M.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Assessment of economic activity of enterprise based on the balanced scorecardMartynenko M. V.; Lysytsia N. M.; Polyakova Y. O.; Bolotova O. O.
2020Assessment of economic activity of enterprise based on the balanced scorecardMartynenko M. V.; Lysytsia N. M.; Polyakova Y. O.; Bolotova O. O.
2023Conducting business negotiations in marketing: work syllabus of the academic discipline for applicants of higher education in specialty 075 “Marketing” of the educational program “Marketing” of the second ((master's) levelLysytsia N. M.
2019Conducting Business negotiations: a work program for students of all the specialties of the first (bachelor) levelLysytsia N. M.; Лисиця Н. М.; Лисица Н. М.
2024Conducting business negotiations: work syllabus of the academic discipline for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor) levelLysytsia N. M.
2021Conducting Business Negotiations: work syllabus of the academic discipline for students of all specialties of the first bachelor educational levelLysytsia N. M.
2019Differentiation of employers as potential partners of higher educational institutionsLysytsia N. M.; Martynenko M. V.; Prytychenko T. I.; Gron O. V.; Liakh I. S.
2019Directions of social partnership of employers and universities in the sphere of economic education in UkraineLysytsia N. M.; Martynenko M. V.; Bielikova N. V.; Gron O. V.; Us M.
2020Features of Employees Training in the Conditions of Development of Digital EconomyLysytsia N. M.; Martynenko M. V.
2020Features of employees training in the conditions of development of digital economyLysytsia N. M.; Martynenko M. V.
2020Features of Employees Training in the Conditions of Development of Digital EconomyLysytsia N. M.; Martynenko M. V.
2020Gender specifics of emotional intelligence as a resource for successful HR- managementLysytsia N. M.; Byelikova Y. V.; Martynenko M. V.
2020Gender specifics of emotional intelligence as a resource for successful HR- managementLysytsia N. M.; Byelikova Y. V.; Martynenko M. V.
2020Gender Specifics of Emotional Intelligence as a Resource for Successful Personnel ManagementLysytsia N. M.; Byelikova Y. V.; Martynenko M. V.
2018Innovations in marketing of economic educational servicesMartynenko M. V.; Lysytsia N. M.; Prytychenko T. I.; Мартиненко М. В.; Лисиця Н. М.; Притиченко Т. І.; Мартыненко М. В.; Лисица Н. М.; Притыченко Т. И.
2019International Marketing B2C: a work program for students of all the specialties of the second (master) levelLysytsia N. M.; Лисиця Н. М.; Лисица Н. М.
2018International Marketing of Economic Educational Services in Ukraine and PolandPukala R.; Lysytsia N. M.; Prytychenko T. I.; Gron O. V.; Пукала Р.; Лисиця Н. М.; Притиченко Т. І.; Гронь О. В.; Лисица Н. М.; Притыченко Т. И.; Гронь А. В.
2021Marketing and education: directions of distance learning developmentLysytsia N. M.; Byelikova Y. V.; Martynenko M. V.; Prytychenko T. I.
2021Marketing and education: directions of distance learning developmentLysytsia N. M.; Byelikova Y. V.; Martynenko M. V.; Prytychenko T. I.
2023Marketing: program of the course for applicants of higher education in specialty 073 “Management” of the study programme “Logistics” of the first (bachelor) levelGrynevych L. V.; Lysytsia N. M.; Boiko N. O.