Browsing by Author Achkasova S. A.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 35  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Business finance: work program of the discipline for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor) levelAndreychenko Z. O.; Achkasova S. A.; Андрійченко Ж. О.; Ачкасова С. А.; Андрейченко Ж. О.
2021Decomposition of Google trends series for the search of patterns and seasonality of financial risk control interestVnukova N. M.; Achkasova S. A.; Gorokhovatskyi O. V.; Pysarevska H. I.
2017Determination of priority groups of indicators for threats identification to the financial security of insurance marketAchkasova S. A.; Ачкасова С. А.; Ачкасова С. А.
2019Determining the level of bank connectivity for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation of weapons of mass destructionVnukova N. M.; Kavun S. V.; Kolodiziev O. M.; Achkasova S. A.; Hontar D. D.
2017Developing the methodical approach to assessing the financial security of insurance marketAchkasova S. A.
2021Financial marketing : a working program of the discipline for students of all specialties of the first (bachelor's) levelAchkasova S. A.
2024Financial marketing: work program of the academic discipline for all students of higher education of the first (undergraduate) levelAchkasova S. A.
2015The governmental regulation of the insurance market in the European integration processesAchkasova S. A.
2018Identifying the priority methodology for reinsurer default risk assessmentPukała R.; Vnukova N. M.; Achkasova S. A.
2017Improvement of the methodology for assessing the capital adequacy for reinsurer default risk coveragePukała R.; Vnukova N. M.; Achkasova S. A.; Smoliak V. A.
2020Indicators-markers for assessment of probability of insurance companies relatedness in implementation of risk-oriented approachVnukova N. M.; Kavun S. V.; Kolodiziev O. M.; Achkasova S. A.; Hontar D. D.
2016Influence application of the financial monitoring for the risk assessment of securities issuers the capitalization of insurance companiesAchkasova S. A.; Ачкасова С. А.; Ачкасова С. А.
2023International finance: program of the course of specialty 292 "International economic relations" of the study programme "International business" of the first (bachelor's) levelAchkasova S. A.
2018Protection of property interests of consumers: work syllabus for students of all specialties of the second (master's) levelAchkasova S. A.; Ачкасова С. А.
2020The Application of Weighted Decision Matrix for the Selection of Non-state Pension Provision StrategyPukała R.; Vnukova N. M.; Achkasova S. A.; Gorokhovatskyi O. V.
2020The influence of competence potential of changes in higher education on the training of specialists for entrepreneurshipVnukova N. M.; Achkasova S. A.; Us M.; Pyvovarov V.
2024Theoretical aspect of determining the financial management of the enterprise’s equity capitalAchkasova S. A.; Platukhin O. G.
2016Автоматизація діяльності фінансових установАчкасова С. А.; Ачкасова С. А.; Achkasova S. A.
2017Вибір пріоритетних заходів банку для підвищення якості депозитного обслуговування клієнтівАчкасова С. А.; Дрючина А. В.; Ачкасова С. А.; Дрючина А. В.; Achkasova S. A.; Dryuchyna A. V.
2016Вибір пріоритетного методу оцінки рівня фінансової безпеки страхової компаніїАчкасова С. А.; Клімчук О. В.; Ачкасова С. А.; Климчук О. В.; Achkasova S. A.; Klimchuk O. V.